Bill's Gigulator

URL Filtering, Paging, and Layout Options

Here are the standard URL options for shows. These work with javascript, htmls feeds, and json...

account id
Your account id. (required) look in "Admin->My Account Settings"

Content Options

Options to control what gigs are included in your feed.

0/1/2. upcoming/past/all old=
for upcoming shows sorted by date from old to new. The default.
for past shows sorted by date from new to old.
for all shows sorted by date from old to new.
Limit. The number of gigs to display (or days of gigs, weeks, months, years... see 'unit'). A value of 0 will show all the posts. The default value is 0.
Page. If 'lim' is set, 'pg' will send a set of gigs starting with 'pg' x 'lim'. pg=1 is the first page, pg=0 is invalid
Offset. Tells the server to skip a number of gigs (or days,weeks... see 'unit'). When 'lim'/'pg' are set the first record will be ('lim' x 'pg') + 'off'.
Units. n,d,w,m,y. The units that are used with 'lim','pg' and offset to determine what content is sent. You can also use 'd' - days, 'w' weeks, 'm' - month, or 'n' for number. 'n' will return a number of shows. When 'w' is used the week begins on Monday and ends on Sunday. When units is week,month or year and old=2 gigs within that unit,(week, month or year) will be sent even when it's in the past. In other words if today is Jan 15, unit=m&old=2&lim=1 gigs between Jan 1 and 31'st will be sent. If old=0 the gigs between Jan 15 and 31 will be sent.More examples:
the next gig will be displayed regardless of what day it is on.
skip the first 10 gigs and return the next 10.
today's gigs will be sent. if there are no gigs today, none will be sent.
tomorrow's gigs's.
skip todays gigs, then show 9 days of gigs.
This weeks's shows will be displayed, from today through Sunday including Sunday
This weeks's shows will be displayed, from Monday till and including Sunday
Display this months shows, starting with today.
Display this months shows including past dates.
Display next months shows.
Display next months shows. (two ways to do it)

Filtering Options

The project/band/artist id. Limit the gigs to a certain project id. This id can be found in on the project page.
The location/venue id. Limit the gigs to a certain venue. This can be found on the location page.
Just get a specific gig using it's id. This can be found on the bookings page.
The project/band/artist category. This feature allows you to show a subset of your gigs that are grouped under the same project category name. This is useful if you are feeding a main site with all the gigs and a subset's website with just a few of the bands schedule. Example: pcat=tinmenbands
Gig-Category-Id - Filter the data by the gig/event category id. This requires a number not a name.

Header Options

Options to display how the gigs are displayed.

Show(1) or hide(0) a header with the month and year in it when the schedule's month change. If omitted the value is 1.
Show(1) or hide(0) a header with the year in it when the schedule's year changes. If omitted the value is 0.
Show(1) or hide(0) an empty div header at the beginning of the stream. This is really just a css hook so one could put an image or content in there if one wishes. The default is 0.

Layout Options

The gigulator has been around a while. the original showed gigs in weird html markup. These options made it easier to organize

1/0 Show your gigs in an html table, using tr/td's.tbldiv1/0 Layout the gigs like a table but use div's instead.This is probably the most useful.
1/0 Gigs are laid out like a table but I used ul/li elements. Can't remember who needed this.
Layout your gigs like a calendar. This is only available in the htmls stream (and javascript). and I have yet to fully document it. Looks great on desktop, not so great on mobile.
You can set the format for the show date with this setting. The format text follows the php date formatting. Click HERE for the formatting codes. If omitted the defadlt is "l,+F+j+Y (Monday, January 5, 2010). Remember to replace spaces with a '+' (plus sign). Separating elements with a "~" will stick a span in there. Which is handy for creative date styling.
Short for Layout and super powerful. Layout uses a series of letters to force the order of the fields. html generation. The pipe "|" can be used to group data into columns. only if tbl, tblli, or tbldiv=1. The layout default is "depvatkn". lout is case insensitive.
D = date
T = Time (show and doors)
E = Event
P = Project (Band)
Q = project description
V = VenueName
A = Venue Address, city, state, country, zip, phone
N = Notes
K = ticKets
I = Images
Iframe only. The url to your customized css file. This is how you can control the font sizes and colors etc. You can create your own css file and stick it on your website. Then tell the iframe where it is.
Image display control. 0 - show no images. 1 - Show images but don't repeat it if the same image appears in a row. 2 - Show all images - repeating if it occurs. One image is displayed per gig. If there is an event image associated with the gig it will be displayed. If there is no event image, and there is a project image it will display that. if there is neither a project image nor an event image it will show the venue image.