Bill's Gigulator

URL Options for Posts

Here are the standard URL options for Posts. These work with javascript, htmls feeds, and json... Basicly similar to Shows

account id
Your account id. (required) look in "Admin->My Account Settings"

Content Options

lim, pg, unit, work same as Shows.

Filtering Options

The project/band/artist category. This feature allows you to show a subset of your posts that are grouped under the same category name. This is useful if you are feeding a main site with all the gigs and a subset's website with just a few of the bands schedule. Example: pcat=tinmenbands

Layout Options

You can set the format for the show date with this setting. The format text follows the php date formatting. Click HERE for the formatting codes. If omitted the defadlt is "l,+F+j+Y (Monday, January 5, 2010). Remember to replace spaces with a '+' (plus sign). Separating elements with a "~" will stick a span in there. Which is handy for creative date styling.
Short for Layout and super powerful. Layout uses a series of letters to force the order of the fields. html generation. The pipe "|" can be used to group data into columns. only if tbl, tblli, or tbldiv=1. The layout default is "???". lout is case insensitive.
D = date
H = Header Title
S = Sub Title
D = Date of Post
C = Category Name of Post
P = Picture
B = Body of Post
Iframe only. The url to your customized css file. This is how you can control the font sizes and colors etc. You can create your own css file and stick it on your website. Then tell the iframe where it is.